Extreme productivity for Primefaces
Tweet I am ready to announce the next version of Deltaset - 0.8.2 ( http://www.deltaset.org/ ) Four days after the initial public release, several discussions and strong opinions from the community :) and the integration with the popular Primefaces ( www.primefaces.org/ ) is ready :) What is Deltaset Project promising ? A full blown , Primefaces integrated, JSF 2.0 based, ready to run on Google Application Engine ( www.appspot.com ) application in less then 10 minutes. How ?! Just type: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://deltaset.googlecode.com/svn/maven2/ choose deltaset-primefaces-gae-archetype and the fun begins :) the live demos are here : http://deltaset-primefaces.appspot.com/ http://deltaset-demo.appspot.com/ You can read more about the Deltaset project in my previous post : Extreme productivity with JSF 2.0 and Deltaset Have fun :) And I'm definitely waiting for your feedback, questions and proposals ;)