Tweet I am going to introduce you to the newly created "Deltaset Project" . I have just released the first publicly avaiable version - 0.8.1. It is the logical 'next step' after my prevoius post : The number of people, who read it, is quite impressive.. 14,429... If you type "jsf 2.0 spring 3" you can see that same post, and refenreces to it, occupying the first page of google, bing and yahoo. And definitly , I have not used any SEO techniques :). I want to say big "THANK YOU GUYS !" to everyone who has appreciated that post; to all the great comments; to all the mails which I've received. My biggest issue was that the ideas, which I've presented here, were not ready for support, change and mass usage. It was just a showcase of "how a java web application could be developed efficiently". Now ... after several months of work, few sleepless nights, several...